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Events / Arts festivals

The V Festival of young European cinema VOICES

4 - 8 july, 2014, Vologda

VOICES (Vologda Independent Cinema from European Screens) - the international festival of feature films - has become the venue for a new generation of European film directors. The festival presents the works of both known and emerging filmmakers. Every year, one of the European countries becomes the guest of honour of the festival. The central place in the festival programme of 2014 will be taken by movies of British filmmakers.

As in the previous years, full-length debut and second films of ten directors from all over Europe will take part in the competition, they will be estimated by the international jury.

The programme of out-of-competition films will let Russian audience to see the most successful recent films of known European directors.

The festival guests and residents of Vologda region will be able to participate in master classes where film directors, producers and writers will talk about their work. Roundtable discussions will bring together professionals tackling issues and subjects urgent to filmmakers today.

Vologda Kremlin will become the epicenter of the festival. It will host both the opening night and closing ceremony as well as outdoor film presentations and concerts.

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Region: Vologda region
City: Vologda
Phone: (78172) 72 45 69